Issue # 187 - Contributors
Peter Blais, born in Ottawa in 1949, has had a long career as a visual artist, actor and theatre designer. In 1984, he created the original design for the Arthur Ellis Book Award. His studio/gallery, the Maritime Painted Saltbox, is located in Petite Riviere, Nova Scotia.
Adrienne Drobnies lives in Vancouver, BC. She is a 2010 graduate of The Writer’s Studio at Simon Fraser University. Her work has appeared in literary magazines in Canada, the US, and UK, including The Toronto Quarterly, The Maynard, Scrivener, Cider Press Review, Sow’s Ear Review, and Popshot Magazine. Her suite of poems, “Randonnées,” was a finalist for the CBC literary award for poetry in 2009 and on the short list for the 2013 Gwendolyn MacEwen Exile Poetry Competition. She is an editor of a collection of poetry in French, Poèmes sur Mesure, by Alain Fournier.
Leo Furey is a writer from St. John’s, Newfoundland. He is founder of Broken Earth Productions, a theatre company that raises money for Broken Earth, a non-profit group of Canadian health care individuals providing medical assistance to earthquake victims in Haiti, Bangladesh, Nepal and Guatemala. Last year he produced and directed Joan MacLeod’s Jewel. This year he is doing Conor McPherson’s The Weir.
Sharon Goldberg’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Gettysburg Review, The Louisville Review, Cold Mountain Review, Under the Sun, Chicago Literary Review, three fiction anthologies, and elsewhere. She was second place winner of On the Premises’ Humor Contest (2012) and Fiction Attic Press’ Flash in the Attic Contest (2013).
Adele Graf’s poetry has appeared previously in The Antigonish Review, and in other Canadian journals including CV2, The Dalhousie Review, The Fiddlehead, Room, Vallum and White Wall Review. Adele has a book forthcoming from Guernica Editions. She lives in Ottawa.
Mark Grenon supplied the text for a video poem entitled SEED screened at the Visible Verse Festival and at the Rendez-vous cinéma québécois. His poetry will be featured in a forthcoming issue of Matrix. Mark Grenon has lived and taught ESL in the Czech Republic, Taiwan, Chile, and in Montreal.
David Hickey has lived most of his life in Newfoundland. His work has appeared in Atlantic Canada literary magazines and competed successfully in various Newfoundland Arts and Letters Competitions.
Robert James Hicks is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. His stories have appeared in The Fiddlehead, The New Quarterly, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Quarterly West, PRISM international, and The Dalhousie Review. He has recently completed a novel and is wondering what to do with it.
Sean Howard is author of Local Calls (Cape Breton University Press, 2009), Incitements (Gaspereau Press, 2011) and The Photographer’s Last Picture (Gaspereau Press, 2016). His work has twice been featured in The Best Canadian Poetry in English (Tightrope Books). Sean lives in the fishing village of Main-à-Dieu, Cape Breton.
Bill Howell is a former CBC Radio Drama producer-director who continues to explore colloquial language. A long-time contributor to The Antigonish Review, Bill has five poetry collections, with recent work in Dalhousie Review, Fiddlehead, Filling Station, Geist, New Quarterly, and Vallum.
A.M. Lang’s fiction has appeared in Hart House Review and in University of Toronto Magazine, where it placed first in the 2015 University of Toronto Magazine Short Story Contest. A recent graduate of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Lang teaches, lives, and writes in Toronto.
Cailean Lewis lives in Toronto, Ontario. His work explores the spiritual detachment inherent in city life and our illusions of natures’ purity. He grew up in rural Nova Scotia and maintains an embarrassing fear of the forest.
Larry Mathews taught for 30 years in the English Department at Memorial University of Newfoundland, where he founded and directed the Creative Writing Program. His own publications include The Sandblasting Hall of Fame (short fiction, 2003) and The Artificial Newfoundlander (novel, 2010). In 2015 he edited The Breakwater Book of Contemporary Newfoundland Short Fiction.
Anna Moore is a writer from Vancouver Island. She lives in Victoria, BC.
Pamela Mosher is from Nova Scotia, and lives in Ottawa with her wife and son. Her writing has been published in journals such as EVENT Magazine and Contemporary Verse 2. She’s won the Young Buck Poetry Prize and been a finalist for the Writer’s Union of Canada Short Prose Competition.
Don Nichol has taught English at Memorial University since 1984. He recently edited Anniversary Essays on Alexander Pope’s Rape of the Lock (University of Toronto Press, 2016).
Patrick O’Flaherty is a professor emeritus in the department of English at Memorial University, where he specialized in 18th-century literature. His latest books are a memoir, Paddy Boy: Growing Up Irish in a Newfoundland Outport (2015), a biographical and critical study, Scotland’s Pariah: the Life and Work of John Pinkerton, 1758-1826 (2015), A Reading of Samuel Johnson’s The Vanity of Human Wishes (1749) (2016), and a collection of short fiction, The Hardest Christmas Ever and other stories (2016). He lives in St. John’s.
Michael Oliver has published poems, stories, and critical writings in various magazines and anthologies, such as Canto, The Fiddlehead, Canadian Literature, and Easterly: 60 Atlantic Writers, and has recently published a novella called The Final Cause of Love. He lives in Charlottetown, PEI.
Branka Petrovic completed an M.A. in English Literature and Creative Writing at Concordia University. She holds a B.A. in English Literature and Philosophy from McGill University. Her (mostly ekphrastic) poetry has appeared in Branch, Arc Poetry Magazine, Contemporary Verse 2, The Malahat Review, The Antigonish Review, The Fiddlehead, and The New Quarterly, among others. Her work was long-listed for the 2012 and 2015 CBC Poetry Prize and shortlisted for the 2013 Gwendolyn MacEwen Poetry Competition. Her poems have appeared in a dance duet video (created by Monique Romeiko) that was screened in Manila and Antwerp. Her work was read at The Literary Death Match, in Montreal, and elsewhere.
Pavle Radonic is Australian by birth and of Montenegrin origin. His five years living and writing in South East Asia has provided unexpected stimulus. Previous work has appeared in a range of literary journals and magazines, most recently Ambit, Big Bridge and The Literary Yard. A mountainous blog of related work appears at
Matt Robinson’s new full-length collection of poems, Some nights it’s entertainment; some other nights just work, was released by Gaspereau Press in Fall 2016. His 2013 chapbook, a fist made and then un-made (Gaspereau Press), was shortlisted for the bpNichol Chapbook Award. He lives in Halifax, NS with his family.
Laisha Rosnau is the author of three poetry collections, Pluck, Lousy Explorers, and Notes on Leaving (Nightwood Editions), and the best-selling novel The Sudden Weight of Snow (McClelland & Stewart). Her work has been published in journals and anthologies internationally, has been nominated for several awards, and was the recipient of the Acorn-Plantos Poetry Award. She lives in Coldstream, BC, where she and her family are resident caretakers of a wild bird sanctuary.
Peter Sanger has been poetry editor of The Antigonish Review since 1985. His most recent book of poetry is Fireship: Early Poems, 1964-1991 (Gaspereau Press, 2013). His most recent book of prose is Through Darkling Air: The Poetry of Richard Outram (Gaspereau Press, 2010). His essay on ecology, Oikos, was published in letterpress by Gaspereau in autumn, 2013. He lives in South Maitland, Nova Scotia.
Traci Skuce’s stories have appeared in Grain, The Dalhousie Review, Event and Prairie Fire. She won honorable mention in Prairie Fire’s 2015 short fiction award and was a finalist for the 2015 CBC Creative Non-fiction Prize. She lives in Cumberland, BC.
Vince Small taught high school English for 47 years. Since retirement he has been supervising the field experience of prospective high school English teachers for Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, and also teaching a college prep writing course for inmates.
D.S. Stymeist has published poems and articles in many magazines and journals, and currently teaches at Carleton University. A former resident of O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation, he is the editor of the micro-press, Textualis, and the vice-president of VERSe Ottawa. He is presently revising a collection entitled Dead Reckoning.
Marc Swan lives in Portland, Maine. He has poems published or forthcoming in Poet Lore, Chiron Review, Gargoyle, Poetry New Zealand, Toad Suck Review, and Westerly, among others. Tall-Lighthouse Press in London, England published his last two poetry collections: In a Distinct Minor Key (2007) and Simple Distraction (2009).
Kim Trainor’s first poetry collection Karyotype appeared with Brick Books in 2015. Her next book, Ledi, a book-length poem that narrates the discovery of the grave of an Iron Age horsewoman in the steppes of Siberia, will appear with BookThug in 2018.
Jane Edey Wood’s writing has appeared in The Ottawa Citizen, The Globe and Mail, and Prairie Fire and through online literary journals such as Catapult, Motherhood Stories, CommuterLit, and Catapult. She is the author of Voluntary Starvation. She is completing her MFA in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia.