Contributors to Issue # 109

Nicole Aimi lives in Vancouver, BC. Her work has been published in The Malahat Review and in the 1995/1996 Anthology of Magazine Verse & Yearbook of american Poetry. She won first prize in the 1996 Face to Face juried poetry competition, and has been published in various literary magazines in South Africa.

Beverley Brahic is a Canadian living in Paris where she teaches at the Institut des Etudes Politiques. She has been published in The Antigonish Review and has work forthcoming in Prism, The Malahat Review, the Foxglove Anthology Writing for the 21st Century, The International Quarterly and Poetry Nottingham.

Pam Bridgeman has had poems published previously in a number of English magazines including Iron, Smiths Knoll, Fatchance, Tandem, and many others. She teaches English at a Sixth Form College in Cumbria and is also an associate lecturer for the Open University.

Ian A. Colford lives in Halifax and works at Dalhousie University. His fiction has appeared in Event, The Gutter Voiceand Grain. A volume entitled Writing in the Electronic Environment was published by the Dalhousie University School of Library and Information Studies in 1996. He is editor ofPottersfield Portfolio.

Mary Ellen Csamer lives in North York, Ontario. Her most recent publications appear in Event, Queen's Quarterly and CV2.

Tracy Damson lives in Paris France. Tracy has been published inAriel (University of Calgary) and the Malahat Review, among others. Tracy is a teacher and translator.

Degan Davis was born in Northern Ontario and has lived in Toronto for the past four years. His work has appeared, or is forthcoming, in Prairie Fire, Poetry Canada, Wascana Reviewand The New Quarterly. He is currently working on a book of short-stories and poetry entitled That Sweet Brutal Language.

Julie Dennison has an M.A. in Creative Writing from the University of Windsor, and began work on a Ph.D. in English at U.N.B., Fredericton in 1996. She has previously published poetry in Grain, The Pottersfield Portfolio, The Abegweit Review, and numerous anthologies. Home is in Victoria-by-the-Sea, Prince Edward Island.

Penny L. Ferguson's poems, short stories and drawings have been accepted/published by The Antigonish Review, The Pottersfield Portfolio, Canadian Author and The Nashwaak Review, among others. In 1990-1993 she served as Writer-in-Residence at the Nova Scotia Teacher's College. She is also co-founder and editor of The Amethyst Review.

Michael Fessler is an American writer and teacher. His work has appeared in Kyoto Journal, Poetry Northwest, Hawaii Review, Malahat Review, and others publications. He has resided in Japan since 1986.

Andrea Gawthome lives in New South Wales, Australia. She has been published in numerous magazines and anthologies. This is her first story to be published in The Antigonish Review.

Stephen Guppy's publications include a previous collection of poems Ghostcatcher (Oolichan Books in 1979) and a collection of short stories, Another Sad Day at the Edge of the Empire(Oolichan, 1985). He has published poems and stories in a number of periodicals, including Descant, Event, The Fiddlehead, among others.

Federico Garcia Lorca (1898-1936), poet and dramatist, possessed one of modern Spain's most poignant and lyrical voices. During the Spanish Civil War, he was executed by order of one of Franco's generals.

Dan MacIsaac lives in Victoria BC. He has other translations of Lorca's poetry forthcoming in Willow Spring (US). His poetry has appeared in journals including Poetry Nottingham, The New Quarterly and The Antigonish Review (69-70). He has published short stories in magazines such as Dandelion, Fiddlehead andStaple (UK).

Keith Maillard is currently the Chair of the Creative Writing Program at the University of British Columbia. He is the author of seven novels, one of which, Motet, won the Ethel Wilsoji Fiction Prize. His poetry collection, Dimentia Americana, won the Gerald Lampert Award for the best first book of poetry published by a Canadian. He lives in Vancouver with his wife and two daughters.

Walter McDonald is Directorof Creative Writing at Texas Tech University. His latest book is Counting Survivors (Pittsburgh). Other recent books include After the Noise of Saigon(Massachusetts) and Night Landings (Harper Collins). Three others won Western Heritage Awards from the National Cowboy Hall of Fame (USA): Rafting the Brazos; The Digs in Escondido Canyon; and All That Matters.

Jerry McGrath writes short stories. In the past several years he has published art criticism in Artscanada, Vanguard, C, Parachute and Canadian Art, as well as catalogue essays for exhibitions of contemporary Canadian art.

Kevin McNeilly teaches critical theory and cultural studies in the Department of English at the University of British Columbia. He has published essays and poetry in a number of Canadian, American and Irish journals. He is presently at work on a study of Robert Bringhurst.

Barbara Curry Mulcahy's short stories and poems have been published in anthologies and magazines, including The Antigonish Review. A radio play was broadcast on CBC's Studio 94 and other work has been performed in Edmonton and Calgary.

Opiyo Oloya is a teacher, broadcaster and writer in Toronto. Some works by the author have appeared in a number of Canadian Literary journals.

Helen Fogwill Porter was born and grew up in St. John's where she still lives. Her most recent book is the short story collectionsLong and lonely Ride. She is now working on a sequel to her 1988 novel January, February, June or July. Her work has appeared in magazines and anthologies across Canada and overseas.

Harriet Richards is a writer and artist living in Asquith, Saskatchewan. Her work has appeared in Planet-the Welsh Internationalist, and on the cover of Drawing Down the moon, an anthology of Welsh writing. Her first novel, The Lavender Child, will be published by Thistledown Press (Fall 1997).

Peter Sanger is Poetry Editor of The Antigonish Review. He has recently edited The Collected Poems and Translations of John Thomson. His last book of poetry is After Monteverdi (Harrier Editions, 1997).

Amy Scattergood is a graduate of the Iowa Writer's Workshop and has been published in Grand Street, The Denver Quarterly, Prairie Schooner, New England Review among others.

E. M. Schorb has had prose and poetry appear in The Yale Review, The Southern Review, The Fiddlehead, Queens's Quarterly, The Sewanee Review, and The Texas Review, among others. He lives in Mooresville, NC.

Paul Serralheiro was born in Portugal. He has a M.A. in English Literature from Concordia University. He has been published previously in Loomings, Concordia University Magazine, Arcand Zymergy.

John Sokol lives and writes in Pittsburgh, PA. He has been published in numerous literary magazines including The Antigonish Review, Embers, The Long Islander, The New York Quarterly among others.

J.J. Steinfeld lives in Charlottetown, PEI. His work has appeared in numerous Canadian literary magazines and anthologies, and he has published five short story collections. Currently he is working on a novel, Photogenic. A new collection of his stories,Disturbing Identities, will be published by Ekstasis Editions (Spring 1998).

M.P. Trowbridge lives on Cape Breton Island. She has published poems in both Canadian and American journals and is the third place winner of the novel category in the Writers Federation of Nova Scotia annual contest.

Terry Watada is a fiction writer, poet, playwright and musician living in Toronto. His recent publications include A Thousand Homes (poetry Mercury Press) and Bukkyo Tozen: A History of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism in Canada (HpF Press). A Thousand Homes was shortlisted for the 1996 Gerald Lampert Memorial Award. He is currently working on a manuscript of short stories to be published by Ronsdale Press.

Dana Wilde has appeared in The Antigonish Review, The Wallace Stevens Journal, The Journal of Modem Literature and others. He has taught college English for years in Maine and he has spent the last year teaching in Bulgaria from which he returned this June.

Wayne Johnston

“... one of the most highly respected literary journals in this country and other countries.” - Wayne Johnston, winner of the Charles Taylor Prize for Literary Non-Fiction

M. Travis Lane

“... one of the best of Canada’s small literary magazines.” - M. Travis Lane, winner of the Atlantic Poetry Prize

Glen Sorestad

“... one of the pillars of Canadian writing for almost as long as I can remember.” - Glen Sorestad, Poet Laureate of Saskatchewan

Douglas Lochhead

“... one of the region’s and, indeed, Canada’s, leading literary journals.” - Douglas Lochhead, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada

Stephanie Bolster

“The Antigonish Review is particularly open to work from emerging writers from across the country.” - Stephanie Bolster, Winner of the Governor General’s Literary Award for Poetry

Alistair MacLeod

“... the best literary periodical to come out of the Maritimes.” - Alistair MacLeod, winner of the IMPAC Dublin Literary Award