Contributors To Issue # 87-88
Russell Buker lives in Judique Nova Scotia. He has contributed poetry to the Antigonish Review since its early days.
Fred Cogswell founded The Fiddlehead Review which he edited for many years. He also launched many literary careers as editor of the Fiddlehead Press which published hundreds of chapbooks (now Goose Lane Editions). He was professor of English at the University of New Brunswick He is retired in Fredericton, N.B.
Sr. Madeleine Connolly is a sister of the Congregation of St. Martha. She has been associated with the University Library both as Librarian and as head of Cataloguing for nearly four decades.
Sheldon Currie teaches English at St. Francis Xavier University. He is the author of The Glace Bay Miner's Museum and The Company Store (Oberon).
Stewart Donovan teaches Anglo-Irish Literature at St. Thomas University, Fredericton, New Bninswick. His novel Maritime Unionwill be published by Non-Entity Press in the Autumn of 1992.
Louis Dudek, one of Canada's best known critics and writers, taught at McGill University and is now retired and lives in Montreal. His most recent book is Small Perfect Things (DC Books, 1991).
C.J. Fox retired several years ago from Reuters World Desk in London. He is an authority on Wyndharn Lewis and has edited a number of anthologies by Uwis. He contributes articles and reviews to London Magazine and PN Review.
Leo Furey teaches English at Central Conununity College in Grand Falls, Newfoundland.
Michael W. Higgins teaches at St. Jeroine's College, University of Waterloo where he is also Assistant Dean of Arts. He has produced a number of radio and TV programs for the C.B.C. on religious themes.
Michael Hulse is a poet and translator. His most recent book of poetry, The Mother of Battles was published by Littlewood Arc(1991). He is presently living in Gerinany.
Sr. Margaret MacDonnell was for many years Professor of Celtic Studies at St. Francis Xavier University. She is a member of the Congregation of Notre Dame.
John MacEachern is a Member of the Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia.
Alistair MacLeod teaches at the University of Windsor. His last book, As Birds Bring Forth The Sun and Other Stories was published by McClelland & Stewart (1986).
F. W. MacKenzie teaches high school in Antigonish County, Nova Scotia.
David Adams Richards lives in St. John, New Brunswick. His most recent book Dancers At Night, was published by Harper Collins (1991).
Peter Sanger teaches English at the Nova Scotia Agricultural College. He is the poetry editor of The Antigonish Review. His most recent poetry book is Earth Moth (Goose Lane, 1991).
James Taylor teaches English at St. Francis Xavier University. He is a fiction editor of The Antigonish Review.
Patrick Walsh is a playwright and professor of English at St. Francis Xavier University.
Terry Whalen is a professor of English at St. Mary's University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He was for many years editor of The AtLantic Provinces Book Review. His book Phillip Larkin and English Poetryhas been recently reissued by MacMillan.